Faculty Rights, Roles and Responsibilities
All courses offered via distance education shall have a qualified faculty member recommended by the Head of Department through the Dean of the faculty concerned, to be approved and assigned by Director of ICDE.
The Institute of continuing and distance education (ICDE) shall retain the primary responsibility and authority for the academic management and oversight of distance education courses and programs. The assigned faculty/facilitator member shall have full control of the content of the distance education course material.
The faculty member shall be expected to deliver accurate and current information and shall not include in the content of the course anything which the faculty member knows to constitute libel, invasion of privacy, infringement of copyright or other literary rights, or otherwise violate the legal rights of any persons or entities (faculty/facilitator/adjunct shall stick strictly to the modules provided). The faculty/facilitator/adjunct must respond to a student’s email query within 24 hours but not later than 48 hours.
The faculty/facilitator/adjunct retains the authority and the responsibility to produce any revised or supplemental materials in order to maintain or enhance the accuracy and quality of the distance education course. Expected updating of course material will be planned and methodically implemented with the appropriate support unit. The intellectual property rights of faculty shall be governed by the policies of ICDE
Faculty Qualifications
The faculty assigned to distance education courses and programs shall have the same profile (expertise, experience, rank) as the faculty assigned to on-campus classes while facilitators shall have at least, a master’s degree in the field in which the course is being assigned.
Faculty Support
Faculty shall have appropriate services and resources to assure their effectiveness as distance educators/facilitators and to assure an effective and efficient teaching and learning environment. The University’s distance education infrastructure shall provide development opportunities for faculty that will increase their awareness of distance education and e-learning methodologies and improve their instructional skills in this medium.
The ICDE shall provide adequate equipment, software, and communications access to faculty to support interaction with students, cooperating institutions and other faculty for approved programs and courses.
Faculty Certification
Faculty certification in the use of distance education and e-learning technology and methodology is required and will be verified approved and provided by the ICDE before a faculty member can teach a distance education course.
Faculty Recognition
Faculty shall be given appropriate recognition of teaching and scholarly activities related to distance education and e-learning programmes. Thus, Faculty shall be remunerated for any additional effort in serving distance education students as appropriate for the particular policies set by the ICDE in accordance with policy.