Each distance education course shall be evaluated by students in the same manner as on-campus course offerings. Additional response items shall include the effectiveness and efficiency of the delivery systems, access to academic resources, and access to student services.
Learning Center Coordinators shall review evaluation results with assigned faculty, support staff, and the Head of Department as appropriate to facilitate the continual refinement of distance education course offerings. Consistent with the policies governing on-campus course evaluations, documentation of distance education course evaluations and of the proactive use of the results to enhance course quality shall be maintained in the ICDE registry.
Summary reports shall be forwarded annually to the Office of the Vice Chancellor.
Assessment of Programs
Each distance education program shall be assessed in the same manner and generally at the same frequency as the specific department’s assessment of programs offered on campus. Elements covered in the assessment shall include student learning outcomes and retention.
The Program Coordinator shall review assessment results with assigned faculty, distance education and technical staff, and cooperating service unit heads as appropriate to facilitate the continual refinement of the distance education program. Documentation of this process and of the proactive use of the results to enhance program quality shall be maintained in the Deputy Registrar’s (ICDE) office and be available for review.
Student learning in distance education programs shall compare favorably to student learning in campus-based programs. Documentation of outcomes shall be maintained in the Deputy Registrar’s (ICDE) office and be available for review.
Mandatory Requirements
Mandatory Module Discussion Forums
Each module should have at least one discussion forum a bi-weekly in which instructors post an initial question for students to respond to and instructors submit follow up questions. The weekly forums will be graded and averaged with their other grades.
The Main WhatsApp platform for each module created by the course leaders across learning centers shall be used to post weekly announcements including but not limited to- Course Welcome, Weekly Introduction of objectives, and end of week wrap up.
Grading of each module should be incorporated into the course outline to reflect and inform the points students will earn in the module regarding assignments, quizzes, tests, practicum and exams. This should be done before the start of the class.
Module Outline
Each Module should have a detailed outline specifying the learning objectives and outcomes and must follow the structure as laid out in the preparation of modules.
Contact Information
Instructor’s contact information (include a phone number), office hours, and picture should be available in the Module Information section of the Module outline.
All assignments should be listed under coursework at the start of the session. Students must submit all assignments given on the module either in-person or on-line as determined by the instructor.
Questions and Answers Thread
Create a Q&A thread under collaboration for general questions from the students
Weekly Instructional Material
A tab should be created for each class week that provides instructional material for the students. This may include lectures, articles, or other supplements to assist student’s understanding of the week’s key concepts and meet course objectives. These must be given during their off-week schedules.
Module Set Up
Each module must be set up at least one weeks before the start date with details of the instructor, including contact number(s) provided.
Grading Rubrics
Provide rubrics for each assignment that clearly explain how students will be evaluated
Response Time to Student emails/ phone calls 24hrs- weekday 48hrs-weekend
Classroom Observations
Each class will be observed for compliance with minimum standards as stipulated in the module outline.
Report at Risk Students
Early Alert Form Office Hours 2hrs/week should be posted in the module outline, so students know when you are available. These should be two hours in which students can contact you via phone, email, etc. The 2 hours may be on the same day or 1 hour on 2 different days.
University Online Faculty Certification Training by COLT (2-week online course):
Faculty are required to certify in order to teach online. Faculty must demonstrate competency of the content learned by scoring at least 85% on an assessment. Once a faculty certifies to teach online, they must successfully undergo annual refresher training.
In addition to the refresher training, faculty should complete at least one faculty development workshop a year. This training will be conducted online in the LMS to give faculty an opportunity to view a course from the perspective of the student. This will also allow for the training of faculty who are not residents.