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  • Course Management Systems And Technical Considerations For Delivery Of Web-based Courses

    Course Management System Selection

    The Distance Education and E-Learning Inter Faculty Committee (DEELIFCOM) (advisory to the ICDE Directorate and Office of Academic Directorate) determines which course/ learning management systems ICDE uses.

    This committee shall compose of all Deans and Heads of Department whose programmes are being rolled out for the Distance education and e-learning, the Director of the Centre for Online Teaching and Learning Centre Coordinators with the Director of ICDE as Chair. Faculty/Adjunct/Facilitators employed to teach or develop GCTU distance education and e-learning courses will be required to adhere to the guidelines regarding the selection and use of course management systems as well as minimum computer and connectivity requirements.

    Use of Alternative LMS/CMS

    Faculty members requesting an exception to using a LMS other than one already approved by the faculties must gain approval from either the Centre for on-line teaching (COLT) support staff or the DEELIFCOM.

    Minimum Computer Requirements and Internet Connectivity Requirements for Distance Education Students

    Unless specific exceptions are granted, faculty will be required to develop and deliver distance education course modules which can be successfully implemented by utilizing the minimum computer requirements and minimum Internet connectivity requirements established for GCTU distance education students.

    Students must be informed of minimum configurations prior to their registering for distance education courses. Published minimum configurations must be accurate.

    Policy Compliance

    Faculty should be aware that policies which apply to on-campus usage of the computer network also apply to the delivery of distance education and e-learning courses.

    Special permission from COLT is required for distance education courses that place special demands on the institution’s computer network infrastructure. The request for permission of this kind should be submitted to COLT for approval at least two weeks prior to its usage to enable COLT make provisions for such demands.