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  • Compliance Measures Purpose

    The ICDE Programme Coordinator will perform bi-weekly checks of the modules -Make sure faculty are participating in the discussion threads per the required number of weekends. -Make sure assignments are graded within 5 days after the due date. -ensure end of course evaluation is effected -Identify faculty strengths and weaknesses in the course -Determine faculty compliance Administer faculty self-reports -Provide faculty an opportunity to identify their strengths and weaknesses in an attempt to improve their online facilitation skills.

    Student Discussions

    Discussion posts should elaborate on course concepts, introduce topics, and provide instructions.

    • All posts should include open ended questions to keep the forums moving. • Students should be

    addressed by name in the forum. • If students have not stared to post then instructor should submit a post that includes a question to jumps start the forum. • By the end of each module week you should have responded to each student at least one time in the forums. • Most of your posts should be supported by information from the module text. Model what you want to see in the forums. • It is good practice to include supplemental material such as an article or video in at least one of your posts.


    Provide rubrics for each written assignment that clearly explains how students will be evaluated. All assignments must be graded within 7 days of the due date. Timely feedback is imperative. While 7 days is the standard, 5 days is highly recommended.


    Substantive feedback must be provided for each assignment. All assignments should clearly indicate how marks were awarded or deducted. When grading written assignments, the rubric should be pasted in the assignment with comments. ALL discussion forums should include feedback. Feedback should recognize strengths, identify errors, and make suggestions for improvements. Providing examples or weblinks with examples is recommended.

    Student Evaluation

    Students are assessed and evaluated on 40 continuous assessment and 60 module exams basis. Results are submitted to the ICDE examinations unit not more than one month after the module examinations was conducted. The results must have columns for continuous assessment, exams, total marks, and grade.

    Students GPA

    The CGPA and GPA of students and how they are computed shall be same as that of regular and on-campus students

    Student Graduation

    Distance education students may have their graduation on same day as on-campus regular students. However, upon recommendation from the ICDE Board and approval from the University Management, different dates may be scheduled for graduation for Distance Education Students


    Distance education students may have their matriculation on same day as on-campus regular students.

    Students’ Counselling, Dispute Resolution and Complaints

    Offices shall be created to offer services and receive grievances and complaints of students to be addressed in all learning centers. Where such matters are beyond Learning Center Coordinators and their teams, such shall be forwarded to the Head of Administration who shall in turn forward such matters to the appropriate offices concerned for redress.